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Friday, February 3, 2012

Dealing With Set Backs

No matter how great our intentions maybe, no matter how well we organize our time we will eventually run it to set backs.  So the real question is, how do you deal with set backs? 

Since we understand set backs are simply a part of life, we need to develop a plan of action to deal with these moments so that we can remained focused on both our business and the matter that caused the set back. So here is the quick and dirty way to deal with the inevitable set back:

  1. Create a time management chart.  This chart should be used to account for each hour of the workday.
  2. Create a 'To Do List' or objectives list for everything that you need to accomplish in the work day.
When the inevitable set back occurs take a step back and ask yourself:
  • Does this matter really require my attention right this minute?  Often times individuals give in to panic and create a mountain out of mole hill sort to speak.  So, really think about the importance of the set back.
  • What needs to be done to deal with the set back?  Create a brief game plan to deal with the situation. 
  • Do I have all the information needed to properly address the set back? 
  • What do I need the desired outcome to be?
You would be surprised by running through the short list of question how much more effectively you will be able to handle the inevitable set back.

There are moments that you attention will need to be immediatly divert.  It is in these moments that by having a time management chart and a to do list that will allow you to get right back in the driver seat and allow you to make the most effective use or your time when it is available.

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