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Friday, February 25, 2011

Residual Income

Trainers if you want to have a successful business you need to come to the realization and the understanding that you business can not be dependent solely upon the monies you bring in.

If your business is solely based on the monies you directly bring in you are limited the growth of your business. After all there are only some many hours in a day, days in a week, weeks in a month, and months in a year. If you want to maximize your earning potential you have to create residual income. You have to have a way to generate income with out your direct involvement. Think about, Bill Gates can not personally create and sell every item his company produces. It’s impossible.

Here is a short list of residual income streams that you can take advantage of:

 Hiring or contracting personal trainers
 Product sales (equipment, supplements, etc)
 Program sales such as wellness programs
 On line training

Friday, February 11, 2011


The word execution can conjure up a wide variety of thoughts. Today I leave you with two:

  • If you can not create a plan to carry out your goals then you will have literally sent you business to the executioner.
  • If you can create a plan to carry out your goals then you will have put your but business on the path to success.

I’m sure the vast majority of use would prefer to create a plan that allows us to meet our goals. So with that in mind let me speak to the masses.

If you are interest in gaining 100 new clients over the course of 1 year you would need to do the following:

  • Speak with 1,000 prospective clients (this is based on the previous article “NUMBERS”) over the course of 12 months
  • That’s 20 prospects per week (I gave you two weeks off for good behavior)
  • That’s 4 prospects per day (for an a five day work week)

Do you think you could speak to 4 new prospects each day if you knew it was going to allow you to reach your goal?

Great here’s what you do:
  • Take out a sheet of paper
  • Create the following columns:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone #
    • Area of Interest
  •  For each day of the week (Monday-Friday) write the numbers 1-4 on the left.
Set a goal right now to meet 4 new prospects everyday.

 I have one more thing to leave you with, did you know if you could grow your business by 10% each month over a 12 month time period you will more than doubled your current business. No joke! Do the math!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Often times I get questions such as:
  • How do I get clients?
  • How do I get more people to attend my workshops?
  • How do I get more people to attend my classes?
I know when trainers are asking this question they are asking because they have struggled and they are frustrated with their own results.

I know how they feel I have been there.

But the answer is simple “NUMBERS”. If you are looking to attract more clients, workshop and class attendees you need to get you message out in front of as many people as possible.

Yeah, so what kind of numbers are we talking about?

In my experience 10% of the people you reach out to will become a paying customer. So if for example you would like to have:
  • 100 new clients then you need to contact 1,000 prospects
  • 10 attendees in your workshop then you need to contact 100 prospects
  • 25 people in your classes then you need to contact 250 prospects
Get the picture?

So, what you need to do now is set some goals.
  • How many clients do you want?
  • How many workshop attendees do you want?
  • How many people do you want to attend your classes?
Once you set the goal then you can begin the “EXECUTION” process.

As a side note 10% is a reachable number and my experience is based on face to face interactions. With the onset of the social media boom your percentages will drop I would say 1-3% is an obtainable goal.