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Friday, March 18, 2011

Disconnection Between Planning and Doing

Planning is extremely important to the success of any business after all we have all heard the saying, “Fail to plan means planning to fail”

However, I have found a huge disconnect between planning and doing. Often time we can get so caught up in planning that we don’t DO!

There comes a point when we need to accept our plan as good enough and begin to focus on the DOING!

You must be willing to make the leap of faith if you will that will take you from the planning stage to the doing stage.

Here are a few quick things to remember:

 Planning is important because it provides direction
 Doing is equally as vital because it tests the plan and it is the component that will bring the desired results to your business.

The more you plan and the more you do you will find yourself on the short track

Friday, March 11, 2011

Following Up

The ability to follow up isn’t god given. It simply takes effort. Anyone can improve their follow up skills. Now I’m not one for the complicated. I have seen a dozen or so programs that all promise to help you improve ones follow up skills. However, for me it comes down to just a few quick things:

1. Any time I speak with someone, I want to create a reason to follow up. When I capture their contact info I make some brief notes as to what we talked about and what I want to follow up with.
2. During our conversation ask them when would be a good time to follow up and how would they like me to follow up (phone, email, text)
3. Follow up as scheduled.

Follow up comes down to doing what you said you were going to do.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Who has not had Chaos in their life? Heck often time my clients will describe chaos with a different term “Drama” either way it means disorder and confusion. In business, in your business there are no doubts that you have had chaos. Chaos serves a couple of purposes. It can serve as a destructive force that can destroy your business or it can serve as a catalyst for growth. Every business grows through a cycle of chaos. Think of it this way as you grew from an infant to a toddler, to an adolescent, to a teenager, to an adult your body went through several stages and at each stage there was chaos for example most men out grew their clothes before they could wear them out and they constantly had to be replaced or upgraded. The same will hold true for your business as your business grows you will out grow certain aspects of your business. Perhaps you have too many clients and in order to meet the demand you need to hire another personal trainer. The hiring of a new trainer can create chaos as you try to pass along clients who are emotionally attached to you and/or trying to train the new trainer on how to do business under your business.

This blog/video is far too short to go into detail on chaos, but the point I want you to understand here is that everyone business goes through chaos multiple times as it grows. Your business is no different. The difference comes down to this, do you have a support system in place to help you through the stages of chaos your business will go through?