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Monday, October 17, 2011

Do You Have Control Over Your Time?

The answer to this question for the vast majority is, NO! We seem to be a slave to time. But this need not be the case. If you take the time to plan out your day in detail and create a start and end time to your day you will find that you can in fact have control over YOUR time.

Breaking your day up in to manageable sections will help you be more effective, efficient and productive.

First Step
Take a realistic view of your business and define the needs of the business. Once you have defined the needs categorize the needs into 3 or 4 sections. For example the sections could be broken down by departments; In-Home Personal Training, Corporate Fitness, and Bootcamps

Second Step
Create a weekly Calendar and insert all known weekly appointments or commitments. Such as; personal training sessions, bootcamp class, and Corporate fitness.

Third Step
Identify all unused time(s). On Monday’s you find that you have a gap in time from 10-1pm. You have three hours to commit to growing you business. This time can be used to address 1 or 2 of the defined sections of your business. So for example if you decided to commit 2 hours to the business side of In-Home Training and 1 hour to Bootcamps.

Fourth Step
Once you have identified your available times and plugged the time(s) you plan to dedicate towards specific sections you can not create a ‘To Do List’ for each section. With in the ‘To Do List’ would include follow up emails, phone calls, marketing and program developments.

Once you have this system set up the goal is to use focused effort on each specific section in to increase your effectiveness, efficiency and production. Hold firm to the time you have allotted. Exceptions may arise and in fact can be account for as you implement this system. Feel free to give it a try. If you have additional questions or something better feel free to share it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are we 'Too Focused' on the Bad Economy?

There is no doubt that if you have watched the news, chatted with friends and talked with fellow business owners, the economy is certainly a heated topic.  The fact is we are seeing higher rates of unemployment, forclosures, and businesses going under.  Everyone has an opinion as to what is the cause of thie 'Bad Economy' and what might be the solution.  The truth is, no really knows.  In fact, even the smartest and most influential minds in our country can't seem to come to an agreement to fix our current economic situation.  Is this maily due to political issues? That's beyond the scope of this article.  Despite the variety of opinions you may have or have read, you need to take a hard look at your business. Don't soley focus on this economic situation and "Ask yourself" the following questions:
  1. Is my business still meeting the needs/demands of my clientele?
  2. If yes, can I continue to improve?
  3. If no, how have the needs of my clients changed?
  4. What services/products can I add to my business to generate additional revenue?
As business owners, we need to be able to filter out the negative information related to the bad economy and our own businesses.  Don't be so quick to blame the economy as the reason your business is declining.  As you read this article right now, businesses are making money and you can be making money too!!  Take the time to evaluate your current business.  Be sure that you are meeting the current and future needs of your clientele base.  Seek out additional opportunities to add revenue streams to your business.  And never stop looking for new and creative ideas to build clientele and your business profit margin.

Remember, don't focus on the economy, focus on you and your growing business!