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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Benefits of Coporate Wellness Programs for Employers

Employers who want lower insurance rates and productive, healthy employees should consider the benefits of corporate wellness programs. If you are paying for too many sick days, or you want to increase productivity, or you just want your good employees to live longer, then consider why corporate fitness is right for your company.

Fitness lowers healthcare costs - When employees are encouraged to exercise more and eat less, they will have longer, healthier work periods. They won't get sick as often, and they will have more energy. Women who lift weights are less likely to develop degenerative bone diseases such as osteoporosis, and laborers lifting heavy loads will benefit from resistance training as well. When employees use their lunch breaks to exercise instead of eat, or when coffee breaks are used for a quick walk instead of a quick smoke, everyone's health improves!
Fit employees are more productive - Studies show that exercise boosts brain function. So not only does fitness lower healthcare costs, but healthy employees are smarter, too! When you exercise, your breathe harder and deeper. All that extra oxygen stimulates your brain. Employees on wellness programs will seek out a runner's high instead of other "highs" to make it through their workdays. Healthy employees have more stamina and strength. And don't forget that when a person determines to take care of himself, he is more able to take care of others.
Employees want corporate fitness programs - Employers implementing wellness programs have one more benefit to offer prospective employees. When you offer corporate wellness packages as part of your benefits package, you become a magnet for "well" applicants. If you want healthy applicants and healthy employees, you have to provide a corporate fitness program.

Employees on wellness programs show gratitude - When fitness for employess is readily accessible, unhealthy employees are more likely to turn their lives around. A dispirited, obese office worker who has access to an on-site gym or online nutrition counselor will start making better choices. Not only will your business blossom, so will your employees! You will be responsible for a happier, healthier workforce. Your employees will appreciate you more for providing a safe, healthy environment for them, and they will work harder for you.

Fitness for employees is fun - Giving your employees permission to visit a specific online health site during work hours is not a waste of time! They will enjoy the little breaks and fun, helpful information, and you will enjoy the benefits of corporate wellness on your business quality. Some employers go so far as to install a small workout facility for their employees, and that creates even more fun and fitness!

As an employer, you have a business to run, and you want to turn out quality products. You can't do that without quality employees. When you become one of the growing number of employers implementing wellness programs, you will see why corporate fitness lowers healthcare costs and you will be pleased with how your fit employees are more productive. Just think: If you get one or two more hours of quality work out of each of your employees on wellness programs, that alone will be worth this investment!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Benefits of Corporate Wellness for Employees

In a down economy the simple act of finding employment is a full-time job, but job seekers should still consider the benefits of corporate wellness programs when looking at any job offer. Consider why corporate fitness is a good benefit as part of your salary. Why should you look for employers implementing wellness programs? And what can a corporate wellness program provide for you?

Employees on wellness programs are more valuable. Exercising improves your mental abilities and focus. Working out will give you more endurance, not just for your job but for your life outside of work, too. Studies show that exercising three times a day for 10 minutes yields similar benefits to exercising just once for 30 minutes. So apply with employers implementing wellness activities and websites, and use your coffee breaks to get healthy!
Fit employees are more productive. You want a job that helps you succeed. You aren't the kind of person to slack off, and you want to earn your keep. With layoffs looming, the most productive employees avoid the pink slip. It may seem counter-intuitive, but taking a walk when you are low on energy will actually release more energy. If you work in a healthful place, then instead of running for that coffee or soda - or falling asleep on your computer - you will be encouraged to grab a healthy snack and do some desk exercises to stay alert.

Fitness lowers healthcare costs. Even if your new job also includes a good insurance package, you may still have to meet deductibles or pay portions of your doctor's office visits. It stands to reason that the less time you spend at the doctor or in the hospital means lower bills. If your employer understands why corporate fitness is crucial to his bottom line, he will encourage your health in any way possible. Corporate fitness programs reduce sick days and boost productivity. That is nothing but good news for you and your boss.

Fitness for employees is fun! Total wellness isn't just about exercising and eating nutritious foods. It's also about mental and emotional health. It's been proven that exercise increases happy hormones in the body. Lifting weights or going for a run gives you an endorphin high that lasts for hours. Employees on wellness programs are less likely to suffer from depression, debilitating disease, and relationship problems. When you take advantage of the benefits that corporate wellness programs provide, you will be able to enjoy life and have more fun while on the job.

So if you come across a job opportunity that includes an online corporate wellness program, group fitness program or local club discount, don't turn it down! When you go in for that first interview, and you ask about benefits, don't forget to ask if the company supports fitness for employees. The most ideal situation is an on-site workout room or gym that is staffed with trained personnel and access to an online corporate wellness program. It's just one more way for you to get paid.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What Should Corporate Wellness Programs Provide?

If you are a health-conscious employer, then you know that your fit employees are more productive, that fitness lowers healthcare costs, and that if you could put all of your employees on wellness programs then you would boost your bottom line. As you begin shopping for an on-site or online program, you should first understand why corporate fitness works and what corporate wellness programs should provide.
Here is a simple list that will help you determine what your company needs. On a basic level, the corporate fitness program you choose should offer many incentives to motivate your employees. Employers should look for a program that ...
Offers expert solutions to all health issues - Total wellness is multi-dimensional and includes mental, emotional and spiritual health as well as physical health. Corporate wellness and fitness programs lower healthcare costs because healthy people have less stress and manage what little stress they do have. Workers with high stress have 46% higher medical bills, and the annual economic cost of depression in 1995 was $600 per depressed worker. Employers implementing wellness in the workplace should be sure the program includes a psychosocial component.

Helps employees set personal goals - Employees on wellness programs can be presented with fact after fact, but if they aren't given the means to apply their new knowledge, then it goes in one ear and out the other. If you want to offer your employees online access to health, make sure you choose a program that motivates and encourages them to set attainable and measurable goals. Your wellness program should also include an easy way to track their progress.

Provides fitness plans catering to various individuals - You pride yourself in your company's diversity. Your workers come in all colors, shapes and personalities, and this means they also have different health concerns. The corporate fitness program you purchase needs to meet each of your employees on an individual level. African-American women have different risk factors than Hispanic males. Your Caucasion secretary might be thin but malnourished compared to another, more obese worker. When corporate wellness programs provide personalized attention, your employees are more likely to succeed.

Offers clear and easy to follow nutrition guidelines - Nutrition is a huge part of wellness. You might incite a revolt if you remove the candy and pop machines without warning, but if your employees start understanding why corporate fitness and health are important, perhaps they'll be the ones leaving the junk machines on the loading docks. Educate and raise awareness through access to health recipes, meal planners, and nutrition information and your employees will thank you.

Has a healthy living forum - Of the many benefits of corporate wellness websites, the ability to connect employees to talk and ask questions about their health is vital. When your employees have your permission to utilize online tools in their journey toward wholeness, that gift will come back to you. It is not a waste of time to allow your workers to better themselves. After all, when you have the privilege of managing high quality people, it is infinitely easier to turn out a product of high quality.