Are you aware one of the easiest ways for your business to earn money is to save money? If not, you are now. Saving money or more importantly having more money coming into the business then going out of the business. Every business owner needs to have a clear understanding of their expenses. This will serve the owner very well for a variety of reasons.
First, it will allow for the costs to be prioritized. Businesses will have ebbs and flows and from time to time you will need to post pone paying a bill or cut expenses. Knowing which bills you can post pone or which expenses can be cut will help reduce any stress associated in hard times.
Second, it gives you instance access to how the business is operating. If the business is thriving then there will be room to expand, add a new service, upgrade or purchase equipment for the company. If the business is staying at a break even point then the owner needs to find ways to continue to increase business or in some cases replace business that has been lost. If the business is performing poorly then its time to cut expenses and continue to look for ways of increasing revenues.
Third, it allows the owner to evaluate his/her performance. The bottom line is the owner is responsible for the growth or lack there of in any business. If the business is growing and making a profit then the owner is considered to be doing a good job. If the business is not growing the owner is consider to not be doing a good job. It really is that simple. You either doing a good job or your not!